Section: Dissemination

Teaching - Supervision - Juries


  • Licence: Amel Ben Othmane, Oracle Database, 64h, L1, IUT Institute of Technology of Nice, France.

  • Licence: Elena Cabrio, Web Server Programming, 45h, L1, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Amosse Edouard, Object Oriented Design, 33h, L3, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Amosse Edouard, Introduction to Web Programming, 16h, L3, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Web languages, 36h, Licence 3, Polytech UNS.

  • Licence: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Statistics, 36h, Licence 3, Polytech UNS.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Databases, 150h, DUT Info S2 at IUT, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Advanced Databases, 105h, DUT Info S3 at IUT, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Logical Data Models and languages, 24h, L3 LPSIL at IUT, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Nhan Le Thanh, Design and Development of DBMS services, 24h, L3 LPSIL at IUT, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Isabelle Mirbel, Databases, 58h, L3 MIAGE, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Isabelle Mirbel, Web programming (Persistence), 54h, L3 MIAGE, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Alexandre Monnin, Analyse des controverses, 4h30, L1, Telecom ParisTech, France.

  • Licence: Alexandre Monnin, Analyse des controverses and climate change, 6h, ESC Clermont-Ferrand, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Algorithmique, Programmation Objet, Python, L2, 50h, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Programmation Web Avancée coté client, L2, 39h, UNS, France.

  • Licence: Andrea Tettamanzi, Web, 18h, L3 MIAGE, UNS, ETD;

  • Master: Valerio Basile, Knowledge Engineering, 7h, Master 2 IFI, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Web technologies, 40h, M1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Server Side JavaScript, 20h, M2 UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Web 2.0/Web Services/HTML5, 40h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Java Certification, 25h, M2, Polytech'Nice UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Programmable Web, 40h, M2, Polytech'Nice students, UNS, France.

  • Master: Michel Buffa, Distributed Web development, 40h, M2, UNS, France. This course is also given by video conference to M2 students in Marroco, Madagascar and Haïti, that gets the same diploma as students from the UNS, France.

  • Master: Elena Cabrio, Web Science, 5h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Catherine Faron-Zucker, Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web, 45h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, XML, 15H, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 3H, M2, University of Toulouse, France.

  • Master: Olivier Corby, Semantic Web, 3H, M2, University of Montpellier, France.

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Development on the Android platform, 38h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Web Services, 17h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Amosse Edouard, Introduction to Near Field Communication, 20h, M2, EMSI, Morocco.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Web languages, 24h, M1, Polytech UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Web Science, 4h, M1 IFI, UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Network Programming, 12h, M1, Polytech UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, XML technologies, 24h, M2 IMAFA, UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Semantic Web technologies, 28h, M2 IFI, Polytech, UNS.

  • Master: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Knowledge Engineering, 9h, M2 IFI, Polytech, UNS.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Web Science, 4h, M1 IFI, UNS.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web technologies, 4h, M2 IFI, Polytech, UNS.

  • Master: Fabien Gandon, Semantic Web technologies, 25h, Data Science Technical Institute, Paris.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Human-Computer-Interaction Design and Evaluation, 54h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Interaction Techniques and Multimodality, 8h, M2, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, Task and Activity Analysis for HCI design and evaluation, 6h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master: Alain Giboin, HCI Design and Evaluation, 10h, M2 Sociology and Ergonomics of Digital Technologies, UNS.

  • Master : Alain Giboin, Economics and ICT: Ergonomics, 15h, M2 Economics and ICT, ISEM, UNS.

  • Master: Isabelle Mirbel, Requirement Engineering, 42h Master MIAGE 1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Isabelle Mirbel, Advanced databases, 48h Master MIAGE 1, UNS, France.

  • Master: Alexandre Monnin, Ingénierie des connaissances, 11h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Oscar Rodríguez Rocha, Ingénierie des connaissances, 12h, M2, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Systèmes Distribués, 18h, M1 MIAGE, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Concurrency and Parallelism, 18h, M1 International, UNS, France.

  • Master: Andrea Tettamanzi, Fuzzy Description Logics and Ontology Learning, in Ingénierie des connaissances, 10h, M2, Polytech'Nice, UNS, France.

  • E-learning

    • MOOC: Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby & Catherine Faron-Zucker, Introduction au Web Sémantique, 7 weeks, https://www.fun-mooc.fr/, Inria, France Université Numérique, Education for Adults, 4870 registered.

    • MOOC: Fabien Gandon, Olivier Corby & Catherine Faron-Zucker, Introduction to a Web of Linked Data, 4 weeks, https://www.fun-mooc.fr/, Inria, France Université Numérique, Education for Adults, 1703 registered.

    • MOOC: Michel Buffa, two MOOCs HTML5 for W3Cx / edX (MIT/Harvard). More than 300k registered students since 2015. Finalist for the first-ever edX Prize for Exceptional Contributions in Online Teaching and Learning (11 teachers have been selected among 2500 others and 1200 online courses).

  • Mihai-Alexandru Dusmanu

    • Date: June – August

    • Institution: ENS Paris

    • Title: Argument Detection on Twitter

    • Supervisors: Elena Cabrio, Serena Villata

  • Safaa Rziou

    • Date: April – September

    • Title: Semantic Categorization of Segments of Ancient and Mediaeval Zoological Texts

    • Institution: Université Nice Sophia Antipolis, Master 2 MIAGE

    • Supervisors: Catherine Faron-Zucker, Andrea Tettamanzi


  • PhD: Papa Fary Diallo, Co-Construction of Community Ontologies and Corpus in a Limited Technological Environment, Inria, UNS, UGB, September 16th, Isabelle Mirbel, Olivier Corby, Moussa Lo.

  • PhD: Zide Meng, Temporal and Semantic Analysis of Richly Typed Social Networks from User-Generated-Content Sites on the Web, UNS, November 7th, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress: Amel Ben Othmane, Temporal and Semantic Analysis of Information Retrieved from Short and Spatio-Temporal Messages in Social Networks, UNS, Nhan Le Than.

  • PhD in progress: Chihabeddine Bouchenaki, Semantic Analysis of Activities in a Learning Environment, UNS, September 2016, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress: Amosse Edouard, Studies of Spatial Semantic Aspect, Real Time Filtering Mechanisms and Semantic Enrichment of Short Messages on Dynamic Spatio-Temporal Social Networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh and Elena Cabrio.

  • PhD in progress: Raphaël Gazzotti, Conversational Agent Assistant Endowed with Natural Language and Intuition, UNS & SynchroNext, Fabien Gandon, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress: Franck Michel, Heterogeneous Databases Federation in Distributed Environment, UNS, Johan Montagnat, Catherine Faron-Zucker.

  • PhD in progress: Tran Duc Minh, Learning Ontologies from Linked Open Data, Andrea Tettamanzi, UNS and Nguyen Thanh Binh, University of Danang.

  • PhD in progress: Emilie Palagi, Design of a Model-based Method for Evaluating Exploratory Search Systems, UNS, Labex UCN@Sophia, Alain Giboin, Fabien Gandon with Raphaël Troncy (Eurecom).

  • PhD in progress : Tuan Anh Pham, Study and integration of the mechanism of workflow control in MVC (Model View Controler) architecture: design and implementation of an APM (Activity Process Management) platform for dynamic information systems on the networks, UNS, Nhan Le Thanh.


Olivier Corby was jury member for the PhD Thesis of Géraud Fokou Pelap on Conception d'un framework pour la relaxation des requêtes SPARQL, November 21st, ENSMA, Poitiers.

Fabien Gandon was:

  • President HDR Fabrice Huet entitled ”From HPC to Big Data: Models and Tools for Large Scale Middleware”, February 15th.

  • Reviewer HDR Olivier Dameron entitled ”Ontology-based methods for analyzing life science data”, IRISA, Université de Rennes, January 11th.

  • Reviewer PhD Thesis Andrei-Nicolae Ciortea entitled ”Weaving a Social Web of Things: Enabling Autonomous and Flexible Interaction in the Internet of Things”, École Nationale Supérieure des Mines de Saint-Étienne and University Politehnica of Bucarest, January 14th.

  • Reviewer PhD Thesis Gabriela Montoya entitled ”Answering SPARQL Queries using Views”, LINA, Université de Nantes Angers Le Mans, March 3rd.

  • Reviewer PhD Thesis Luis Redondo Garcia, ”Semantically Capturing and Representing Contextualized News Stories on the Web”, Eurecom, TELECOM ParisTech, March 4th.

  • Jury member PhD Thesis Mazen Alsarem entitled ”Semantic Snippets via Query-Biased Ranking of Linked Data Entities”, Insa Lyon, University Lyon, Villeurbanne, May 5th.

  • Jury member PhD Thesis Luis Galárraga entitled ”Rule Mining in Knowledge Bases”, TELECOM ParisTech, September 9th.

Nhan Le Thanh was jury member for the PhD of Nourhène Alaya, Managing The Empirical Hardness of the Ontology, Paris 8 University, October 13rd; Cheikh Hito Kacfah Emani, Formalisation automatique et sémantique de règles métier, Lyon 1 University, December 1st.

Andrea Tettamanzi was reviewer for the PhD Thesis of Regina Ticona Herrera, Towards RDF Normalization, Université de Pau et des Pays de l'Adour, Anglet, July 6th.

He was President of the jury for the PhD Thesis of

Papa Fary Diallo, UNS, September 16th (see above); Romaric Pighetti, Une méthode hybride pour la classification d'images à grain fin, UNS, November 28th; Atheer Al-Najdi, Une approche basée sur les motifs fermés pour résoudre le problème de clustering par consensus, UNS, November 30th.

Alexandre Monnin was president of the jury of 11 Master thesis of graphic design students of ESAD Valence (Ecole supérieure d'art et de design), May. He was president of the "diplôme de fin d'études" of the same students of ESAD Valence, June.